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Let's Make the BVG Community Healthier!: Project Outline

ISP Let's Make BVG Community Healthier!

Let’s Make the Bayview Glen Community “Healthier”


Total Marks: 80

Purpose: There are some startingly statistics about the deteriorating health and wellbeing of our communities.

For this ISP you will begin with a statistic about health and/or wellness and/or sports that you find unsettling or worrisome. One that you think threatens the welling of your population choice.

You will then become an “expert” on this topic to help your targeted population. Your goal will then be to:

  • Raise awareness
  • Educate
  • Promote Change

Topic examples: sleep, social use of technology, cyber bullying, sugar, eating disorders, stretching, meditation, exercise, cannabis, caffeine, fentanyl etc.

Overall Expectations Assessed:

A1. demonstrate an understanding of the concept of leadership and of the attributes, skills, and styles needed to be an effective leader;

A2. demonstrate leadership skills in a variety of contexts related to healthy, active living;

A3. demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics, and apply teamwork skills in a variety of contexts related to healthy, active living.

B1. identify and explain the benefits of lifelong participation in active recreation and healthy leisure, and demonstrate an understanding of factors that enable and constrain participation in active recreation and healthy leisure activities;

C1. demonstrate an understanding of mentorship and the methods used by effective mentors to contribute to the growth and development of others;

C2. demonstrate the ability to help others develop and implement a personal healthy active living plan.

You will follow a step by step process to ensure success. 
Each stage must be submitted and approved before you can move onto the next stage.



STEP 1: Pick a topic, with the accompanying statistic(s), that is relevant to your chosen population group.

STEP 2: Find three pieces of information that educate you on this topic.

2 MUST be from scientific journals, (BOTH approved by Ms Diklich.) the last one can be any source of media – documentary etc.

STEP 3: Create summaries of the findings in these three pieces. Summaries should be cited properly. (15 marks)

STEP 4: Print off each article (include the links too please) with your summaries attached.

STAGE TWO: Better Understand the Problem & Gathering of Information (15 marks INQUIRY) mid January

You will describe your problem and try to understand why it is a problem. This stage will include consequences, costs and challenges associated with this problem.

We will post, at this time, the collection of statistics that spring boarded our ideas.

This stage is your gathering of information.

STEP 1: Establish 10 questions that you believe you need to answer in order to best understand this problem. (5 marks)

For example:

  1. How does sleep deprivation affect academic performance?
  2. Why role does marijuana use, during adolescence, play in the onset of schizophrenia?
  3. What % of female soccer players are experiencing torn ACLs?
  4. What reasons are cited for why Canadian youth are as inactive as they are?

STEP 2: Have the questions approved.

STEP 3: Research and find the answers to your questions. All information must be cited. (10 marks)

STAGE THREE: Proposal: Educate and Encourage Behavioral Changes (20 KNOWLEDGE) – February

STEP 1: Create a Proposal with a TWO-FOLD goal in mind. (Educate – Encourage Change)

Your proposal needs to include: (can be all point form) (needs to be cited APA please)

  • The necessary information – including statistics – to educate and increase awareness
  • The necessary information – including specific ideas – on how to change behavior
  • An understanding of what the current challenges are to your population
  • An expression of the “costs” of this problem

STEP 2: Establish TWO different platforms that you will utilize to achieve the goals of educating (increasing awareness) and encouraging behavioral changes.

STEP 3: Establish a specific timeline when your platforms will be released.


STAGE FOUR: Platform Release (see attached rubric – 20 marks each) – February through May



Complete the attached reflection.


Ideas for platforms:

  • Assembly presentation
  • Presentation for a grade meeting
  • Article in the school paper/newsletter
  • Letter to the editor
  • Display board/bulletin board
  • Letter to the Board of Directors/principal/Head of School
  • Mentor information
  • Advertising campaign
  • TV ads
  • Radio ads